Inspiring young people with a vision for a sustainable future

The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) invited Hub staff to connect with young people as part of the 2024 NYSF Explore UNSW Science Day. Not-for-profit NYSF organises programs that encourage young people to develop their passion for science. 

The event took place on 18 July 2024. Hub leader, Prof Veena Sahajwalla, delivered a keynote speech to year 12 students about sustainability, materials science and engineering. Hub staff and contributors later hosted a workshop to demonstrate sustainability and science in action. This allowed the Hub to deliver on two of its thematic impact areas: sustainable communities and waste as a resource. 

Hub leader’s keynote promotes sustainable future

Prof Veena’s keynote speech presented a vision for a sustainable future for young attendees. Her presentation addressed a variety of aspects of the Hub’s research. This included the research underway in the Plastic and Waste Materials projects to highlight the categorisation and complexities of plastic materials and microplastics.

This also extended to the possible solutions for plastic waste such as increasing its value through remanufacturing. Prof Veena highlighted the importance of collaborating with a variety of partners including industry, academia and entrepreneurs to achieve this. 

Sustainable communities and waste hub community engagement NYSF UNSW event 2024
Hub leader Prof Veena Sahajwalla and IP2 co-lead Anirban Ghose with attendees of the NYSF UNSW event. Source: UNSW

Hands on sustainability workshop

Other Hub staff members helped deliver a hands-on workshop. This was one of several demonstrations that showcased material science and engineering in action. The team showcased work being done at UNSW and in the Hub to make materials more sustainable. This includes finding creative ways to reuse waste materials. The stall had examples of different waste materials being researched and used for remanufacturing. 

Creating sustainable communities who view waste as a resource

The Hub is tasked with driving impact by encouraging the development of sustainable communities. This relies on inspiring the next generation of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) practitioners. Events such as the NYSF UNSW workshop are essential in connecting Hub expertise and research with communities.

Another important impact area of the Hub relates to changing general perceptions of waste. Through the keynote and workshop, Hub staff have challenged the attendee’s attitudes towards waste to appreciate its resource value. This was achieved by demonstrating how innovative solutions can transform waste into value-added products. 


Hub leader Prof Veena Sahajwalla delivered a keynote at the National Youth Science Forum, inspiring year 12 students with a vision for a sustainable future. Her speech highlighted the Hub's research on plastic waste and the importance of collaboration to develop innovative waste solutions. The event also featured a hands-on workshop showcasing remanufacturing and waste resources, aiming to inspire the next generation of sustainability advocates.